
1、 年齡

A:How old are you?=What's your age?
B:I am fourteen years old.=I'm fifteen. =I am a fifteen-year-old boy.

2、 時間

  1. A:What time is it?=What time do you have?
    B1:It's ten o'clock.=It's hen.
    B2:It's three-thirty.=It's half after three. =It's a quarter to ten.
  2. What day is today?(It's Wednesday.)
    What days do you have English classes? (I have English classes on Tuesday and Thursday.)
  3. What's the date?(It's July ninth.)
  4. 年,月,日的排列 Ex:在 1994年的7月8日星期六
    on Saturday, July eighth, nineteen ninety-four 星期六 7月8日 1994年
  5. When were you born?
    =What date were you born on?
    =What month were you born in?
  6. 時間上in, of, on之區別
    (1) There are seven days in a week.
    (2) Summer is the second season of the year.
    (3) It's four in the early morning.
    (4) We played Frisbee on the morning of Sunday.
    (5) We went to Youth Park(on)that day.
    (6) I had a party on my birthday.
  7. 重要節日
    (1) Birthday:Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Birthday, Confucius' Birthday
    (2) Day:Youth Day, Teacher's Day New Year's Day
    (3) Eve:Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve
    (4) The Chinese New Year, Christmas, New Year

3、 疑問詞

  1. How often do you go to the movies? (Three times a month.)
  2. How long have you studied English? (For three years.)
  3. How soon will you be back? (In an hour.)(或about an hour.)
  4. How far is it from here to the library? (About ten minutes' walk.)(About two miles.)
  5. What is on the table? (Two books are on the table.)
  6. How much does it cost?=How much is it?
  7. How many pens do you have?(Only one.)
  8. 天氣的說法
    How is the weather?=What is the weather like? 天氣愈來愈熱=>It's getting hotter and hotter.
    【P.S. rain, snow之用法:】 可當動詞=>It rains a lot here. 可當名詞=>There is much rain here. =We have a lot of rain here.
    We have showers in the afternoon in summer. =There are showers in the afternoon in summer.
    【rain, snow 不加the 除非有指定:】
    Ex:I don't like the rain in winter. 係指在冬季的雨故加the
  9. 交通工具
    A:How do you go to work? 用疑問副詞 "How" 問
    B1:I go to work on foot.=I walk to work.
    B2:I go to work by bus.(=by taking a bus.)
    B3:I take a bus to work.
    B4:I go to work on a bus.

4、 問候語,招呼,祝福語

  1. How do you do?
  2. How are you? →Fine. thank you.
    How is everything? →Everything is O.K.
  3. 電話中A:Who is speaking?
    B:This is Sue speaking.
    A:Hello, is that Tom?
    B:Yes, who is speaking?
    比較 A:Who was that on the telephone?
    B:Yes, I want to pay for these.
  4. 購物 A:May I help you?=What can I do for you?
    B:Yes, I want to pay for these.
  5. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year. Good tidings to you!

5、 祈使句

  1. Sam, please pick it up. = Please pick it up, Sam = Sam, pick it up, please.
  2. 否定一律用
    don't Mark, don't be a bad boy.
  3. 務必要,一定要…
    Be sure to turn off the lights when leaving the room.
    = Do turn off the lights when leaving the room.

6、 否定句

  1. 句首→Don't smoke. (祈使句的否定句)
    →Didn't he cry? (一般動詞否定式的問句)
  2. 句中→He doesn't have to go . (一般動詞的)
    He makes me no smoke.(使役動詞接原形動詞的否定)
    He told me not to smoke.(不定詞的否定)

7、 人稱

  1. 排列→(單數:第2,3,1人稱)
    You, he and I are all students.
    We, you and they are all students.
  2. 個別所有→May's and Joe's fathers are tall.
  3. 共同所有→May and Joe's father is tall.
  4. 反身代名詞不可當「主格」
    I myself will do it.=I will do it myself.
  5. 所有代名詞:
    mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs, May's Ex:What is yours is mine and what is mine is yours. (你的就是我的,我的就是你的)
  6. the+形容詞→多數,the +名詞→多數
    the youth, the police, the sick, the rich
  7. 不定代名詞
    1. One of the boys -
      Every one of the boys -
      Each of the boys is tall.
    2. Some of the boys -
      Many of the boys -
      Both of the boys -
      All of the boys -
      Several of the boys are tall.
    3. Some of the water -
      All of the water -
      Some of the water is clean.
  8. 部份否定ever, each, both, all+not
    Ex:All boys aren't here.
    =Some boys are here ,but some are not.
    Both my parents aren't here,
    =Only one of my parents is here
    P.S.:Every boy and girl is

8、 在某處有….

  1. There are birds in the tree.
    =In the tree are birds.
    Inside the envelope were two notes.
    Next to the bank was a park.
  2. There should be a sign near the hole.
  3. Will there be a baseball game tomorrow?
  4. There is a dog running in the park,
  5. There is a fire in the hotel. =The hotel is on fire.
    P.S.:There is something wrong with my guitar.
    There is nothing new in today's newspaper.

9、 頻率副詞

  1. 位置:(1).be +頻(2).頻+V.(3). 助V+頻+V.
    Ex:I am always early to school.
    =I always go to school early.
    Ex:I don't always get up late.
    =I sometimes get up early.
    P.S.:She is always asking questions.(一直在…)
  2. 簡答句:頻率副詞在倒數第二個字.
    Did you ever go there? - No, never.
    -No, I never did.
  3. Always,Never 可放在句首
    Never be late to work.
    =Don't be late to work.
    =Always be early to work.
  4. often
    Joe doesn't often watch TV, but I often do.
    You should read the newspaper more often.

10、 助動詞

  1. can=be able to
    must=have to
    You'll be walking again on both feet in a few days.
  2. need有兩種用法:
    (1).一般動詞→I don't need to buy a sweater.
    The car needs fixing.
    =The car needs fixed.
    (2).助動詞→Need he go there? -
    Yes, he must.
    No, he needn't.
  3. Should,would,could,might
     -You should have done it yesterday.(責備語氣)<br>
     -You should go to school now.
     -Tom didn't come last night.(推測語氣)
     (He must have been sick.)
     -Tom isn't here.
     (He must have been sick.)
     Would you please +V….?請你做…,好嗎?<br>
     Would you like to +V…?你願意…?<br>
     -Would you mind +Ving…?你介意…?<br>
     Would you mind if I smoke?<br>
     -Would you mind my smoking?<br>
  4. May I…? No, you may not.
    No, you mustn't.
    Must I…?No, you needn't.

11、 動詞

  1. 感官動詞→(常見者 see, watch, hear, feel)+ V.
    感官動詞→(常見者 see, watch, hear, feel)+ Ving(或P.P.)
     I saw Tom play the drums.(=playing)
     I saw the dog hit by a car. (P.P.)
  2. 使役動詞→(have, make, let) + 受詞 +
  3. V+
    • to + V 意義不變者(try, begin, start, hate, love. like)
    • V-ing
      • I hate watching TV. =I hate to watch TV.
  4. V +
    • V-ing 意義不同者 (remember, forget, stop)
    • to + V
    • Please stop talking.並非Please stop to talk.
  5. V +
    • V-ing (enjoy, finish, come, practice, spend waste, keep, find, mind及go+戶外運動的V.)
      Ex:Don't waste your money buying clothes.
      He is always practicing speaking English.
      片語+V-ing→ have fun, have trouble, be busy, feel like, take one's time, give up, get tired of
      Ex:He had more and more trouble making money.
  6. help

    • to + V. (兩者皆可)
    • V.

    Ex:He helped me do my work. = He helped me with my work.

  7. 授與動詞:有兩個受格的動詞
     (1). give, send, sell, write, tell, show, bring,…to+人
          I'll give the radio to you.
         =I'll give it to you.
         =I'll give you the radio.(不可用it代替)
         P.S.:I sold the house to Mr. Wang.
          I sold the bike for two hundred dollars.
     (2). buy, pay…for (bring後接to或for皆可)
          I'll buy you a car.=I'll buy a car for you.
          I bought the pen for ten dollars.
         =I paid ten dollars for the pen.
     (3). ask…of borrow…from
          I ask a question of you.
          I borrowed some money from Joe.
  8. 情緒動詞 interest, satisfy, surprise, excite, bore, worry, trouble, confuse
     事+V+人=事+be V-ing+to+人
     =人+be P.P.+介係詞+事
     Math interests me. =Math is interesting to me.
     =I'm interested in math.
     片語:be interested in, be satisfied with,
       be surprised at, be excited about,
       be worried about, be tired of 
  9. 連綴動詞 (Linking Verbs) → smell, look, sound, taste, feel, become, get, be, keep, fall
    Every sentence must have a verb. To depict doable activities, writers use action verbs. To describe conditions, writers choose linking verbs.
    連綴動詞是用來連接主詞及其述部的名詞、代名詞或形容詞。連綴動詞係一種沒有動作(action)的不及物動詞,它沒有受詞。連綴動詞的句型是 S + V + C,述部的名詞、代名詞或形容詞是用來補充說明或描述主詞,所以也叫作主詞補語。
    (1) How does the cat look? =What does the cat look like?
    (2) The coffee tastes delicious. =The coffee tastes like medicine.
    (3) He didn't look good (well).
    She looks happily at me.
    She looked happy at that time.
    (4) I feel tired easily

12、 形容詞

1.原級比:as +形容詞or 副詞+as
not as(so)+形容詞or 副詞+as I don't want money as much as food. You look as beautiful as Mary (does). You are working as carefully as I(am). He is as tall as he was.(指同一人was不可省) Joe ran as fast as he could.(儘可能地) 合併句:(1)-The car costs one million(百萬)dollars. -The house costs one million dollars. →I go to the movies as often as Tom. (2)-I go to the movies once a week. -Tom goes to the movies once a week. →I go to the movies as often as Tom. 2.比較級: (1) He is the taller of the two. (2) He is taller than the other two. 3.最高級: (1) Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best. (2) Judy is the most beautiful girl in the room. (3) Ken is the oldest boy in the class. 4.原級,比較級,最高級之互換: =He is less old than you. =He is younger than you. =You are older than he. =He is the younger of the two. =You are the older of the two. (1) He is the tallest of the three. =He is taller than the other two. (2) He is not as old as you. He is the least tall of the three. =He is the shortest of the three. (3) Taipei is the biggest city in Taiwan. =Taipei is bigger than any other city in Taiwan. =Taipei is bigger than all the other cities in Taiwan. =No other city in Taiwan is bigger than Taipei.